Merle Verhagen FashionUnited eBusiness maakt het verschil voor Sport2000 Sinds 2023 is Martijn Oostwal bij ons in dienst als EDI specialist bij FashionUnited eBusiness en is de schakel tussen Sport2000 en de leveranciers. Wij interviewden medewerker Martijn Oostwal over zi...
Merle Verhagen FashionUnited eBusiness X Almeerse Hockeyclub FashionUnited eBusiness is met trots een trouwe sponsor van de Almeerse Hockeyclub. Met plezier verbinden wij ons aan deze mooie club in Almere. FashionUnited eBusiness ziet het als een investering in...
Merle Verhagen De wereldbekende Basic Fit Rugzak van Noor Sportswear bv De wereldberoemde Basic Fit tassen zijn uitgegroeid tot een symbool van stijl en functionaliteit voor fitnessliefhebbers in heel Europa. Achter het succes van deze iconische tassen schuilt een krachti...
Merle Verhagen Van Tilburg FashionUnited eBusiness handles all EDI message traffic for Van Tilburg Mode & Sport with more than a hundred brands in fashion, sports, accessories, and shoes using eBiss and eGate. This is done in c...
Merle Verhagen Sport 2000 ANWR-Garant does not keep inventory but manages the webshop FashionUnited Indicia has advised and assisted ANWR-Garant in developing an infrastructure and a process and message flow ...
Merle Verhagen Collaboration strategies with multibrand fashion retailers - during and after the crisis Register now for a digital EDI & VMI in-fashion workshop, in order to emerge from the crisis stronger. We are living in the extraordinary times of the advancing Covid-19 virus, with general store clos...
Merle Verhagen Need more chain collaboration in fashion? Is more supply chain collaboration needed as a multibrand fashion retailer? Based on perspectives and practical experiences, seeking an answer to the question of how much supply chain collaboration ca...
Merle Verhagen Collaboration in the fashion industry: Efficiency and Sustainability United The fashion industry is a dynamic and creative sector known for its rapid production cycles and constant drive for innovation. However, this speed and creativity often come with challenges in terms of...
Merle Verhagen The future of connectivity in the fashion industry: FashionUnited eBusiness leads the way In the rapidly evolving world of the fashion industry, seamless connectivity is a key to success. Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) plays a crucial role, enabling businesses to exchange information wi...